Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's been awhile!

Wow, I so need to subscribe to the feed to this here blog so I can keep up with all the fiber artist going-ons here! I love all the yarns and projects that have been posted!
Here is a bit of an update on my spinnings:
I acquired way too much raw fleece at the local sheep and wool festival (wisconsin). All in all, 22 pounds worth!! My final decision? Only buy fleece at the festival because the poor closet is literally bursting with bags of fleece now!

The close up brown fleece is from a Border Leicester lamb named Lenny from a local farmer. I am spinning lace-weight from his fleece to for the Secret of the Stole KAL which starts in October. Below that is my first swatch with beads you can hardly see. I want to use bright green, gold lined, seed beads instead so they will pop out from the design. Now my only problem is finding them locally!! I just cannot justify buying beads online when shipping is more than the cost of the beads!

That is all for now I think. I am also making yarn for the fall Mystery Shawl and clue #1 was released yesterday. I just need to ply and set the twist then I can get going on that one.


Hattie said...

That is a ton! It looks like you're set for a while.

I think the green beads would look pretty! Let me know if you can't find them, I have a lys that has decent prices and I could probably ship them for like a dollar.

Tracy said...

You have your hands full. Nice stuff.

C4G said...

Thanks Hattie! I plan on shopping for them this weekend.