Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Update on Luna Moth shawl!

Well, it's slow going on the Luna Moth Shawl that I started with my onion-skin dyed handspun leicester longwool fleece. I've been sidetracked by other projects. It's coming along nicely though. I have 2 more pattern repeats to do. I'm pretty pleased with how it looks.


Tracy said...

Very nice. I LOVE the color you have gottne from the onion skins.

knitmd said...

Very nice total handwork shawl! I'm looking forward to see it blocked out.

Merry Christmas!

Hattie said...

It's a very pretty color! It doesn't smell like onions though does it??? ;)

CAT said...

It's coming out lovely! I can't wait to see it all blocked out!