Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spinning Along

Well I've been spinning a bit so I have started a new project just as I've finished another. At the top is a picture of a stole from a Japanese knitting book (shown just below). The book is called Vintage Knitting in Tradition and the pattern show is captioned "Cloches a travers les feuilles" which fleegle thinks means something like "Bells through the leaves". I spun up some Madder dyed BFL that I purchased from A Verb for Keeping Warm . It's a two ply lace weight yarn that I spun on the Majacraft Rose using the lace flyer and fat core bobbins. This wheel used to belong to my sister but she traded me for the Lendrum since she never spins on the Rose and prefers to use her spindles or the Lendrum. I have been buying her pretty spindles as a bit "Thank You" for making that trade since it's the perfect 2nd wheel to my Schacht Matchless single treadle wheel.
I am knitting the birdseye lace center for this stole using US 0 needles. The birdseye is an interesting construction so not at all boring to knit. And lastly, shots of The Saigon Scarf by Badcatdesigns . It's free on Ravelry if you are already signed up for that site. It has lovely beads and the fiber from Spritely Goods is shimmery in the sunlight! Really fun to spin and to knit.


Vtknitboy said...

hi all! i sent a message to this group asking if i could join, and haven't received a response! can anyone help me?

chris (vtknitboy)

Lacefreak said...

Dear vtknitboy,

I think this site has been having some difficulty with spam lately so I don't know what the moderators have decided to do with it. Hope they can straighten it out.

Anonymous said...

Very fine......

yusufyusuf said...

Nice blog...!

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